Saturday, July 9, 2016



I don't know if people still go here or even read my stories,BUT, I will say that I have moved to a different place. My blog is now on wordpress!

There wasn't really a specific reason why I moved, but I felt like I needed a change and at first I tried doing it on Tumblr but it didn't work out well.
If you want to read my stuff on the other blog it's:

Idk if anyone would like to look at it, but thank you for the people who stuck with me here. I appreciate you :)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Book Review: A Work in Progress by Connor Franta (Contains Spoilers...i guess?)

I think you all know what time it is.

I'm kidding, it's time for a book review. If it is time to duel, then well you do your thing! 
Onto the actual review!!

Actual Review:

I don't really know how to review a memoir, I mean I can't really judge a person's life story, right? It's not like I didn't like the book, in fact I really want to read it again. I'm just gonna talk about the actual book and what I felt throughout. 

Honestly this book is probably the most inspiring book I've ever read. Knowing someone's life story, seeing them learn from their mistakes and succeed in life is a great feeling and it makes you want to go out there and do more. When I saw the title of the book I thought it was a great fit. He's only 22 years old and he has done much and continues to do more, because his life and even our lives are a work in progress.

You know that little voice in your head when you silently read? It usually sounds like  your own voice, right? Instead of reading the book with my inside voice, it was his voice. It was like I was just having a conversation with him.It was like Connor was just sitting down with me over a cup of coffee telling me his life story. He also gave me some great advice. You can't really have that with some books. Also the book is really freakin' pretty, like it's prettier than my face. I could probably stare and take pictures of that book for hours.

I feel like even if you don't know who Connor is, or haven't really seen his videos on YouTube, it's still a really good read, specially if you want to get to know him better. The book gets more personal than a Q & A video. Obviously his subscribers are going to feel familiar because they've watched his videos and follow him on every social media. There's also the amazing photography in that book and I'm sure everyone appreciates some really good pictures. Another thing about those pictures is that they fit the chapters (btw, great chapter titles).


The book is a 10 out of 10 and I'm gonna read it another three times. I'm really happy that so many people in the YouTube community are coming out with such great book, whether it's a  memoir or even a work of fiction. The books motivate other people to do the things they've been putting off because they feel so crappy all the time (coughmecough). Such a great book, there wasn't one time where I got bored or wanted to skip pages.

Ultimate Reaction Gifs:
Me when he talked about coffee <3 br="">
When Connor finally accepted himself *claps for days*
Actual representation of me after the book

 Thank you for reading! See you soon :)


Monday, February 23, 2015

"I Mustache You Some Questions" Tag.

Well hello there my dearies! Where have I been? Idk. Will I be here more often? Idk. School keeps me very busy. But that's not why I'm here! Girl Writes Reviews tagged me to do this tag, so I thought it would be a fun thing to do. I've read a few books, that I need to review, I don't even know where to start. Oopps.

Anyway, here's the tag:


  • Dels
  • Delilah 
  • Lili
  • KFC (long story)
  • Babysitter
  • that's it. Guess what? I didn't get paid... 
  • Does doing my dad's laundry count as a job?
  • Don't judge I'll get there.
  • Titanic (at least 6 times. I still cry though)
  • The Fault In Our Stars
  • The Avengers
  • Despicable Me (honestly it's such a great movie)
  • "Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe" by Benjamin Alire Saenz 
  • "The Book Thief" by Markus Zuzak
  • "The Fve People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom 
  • "The Outsiders" by S.E Hinton 
  • Some of Portugal
  • Newport, Rhode Island
  • Connecticut (for like .5 seconds)
  • Narragansett, Rhode Island
  • Portugal, at my old house, with my best friend
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • Rome
  • A bookstore or library, just reading a good book
  • Avocados
  • Pineapples
  • Peanuts
  • Mushrooms (ew)
  • Chicken Alfredo
  • french fries
  • Steak
  • Salmon
  • Arrow
  • How to Get Away With Murder
  • The Flash
  • Supernatural
  • Travelling more (i hope)
  • not being a freshman anymore
  • writing more often
  • summer vacation
  • "Dang."
  • "Get wrecked me." (friend at school got this stuck in my head) 
  • "what?" 
  • "idk"
That was interesting...
See you some other time... :D


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Coming to a Close

I hope everyone is having a great New Years party. Whether you are at home with family, or having fun with friends, I hope this was a good year for everyone. I'd say 2014 was an alright year. It had its ups and downs, but it's almost over, and soon everyone (if not already) will get a new canvas to paint on. I want you, whoever is reading this to do me a favor.

Don't forget the things that have happened this past year. That would be foolish, giving the fact that we learn from our past. I know bad things have happened, and it hurts thinking about it, but sometimes you become so familiar with the pain that it becomes a normal feeling. Remember the good things that happened, even the smallest things can help reach your goal. It's been a difficult year for me, I'm not even spending the New Year with my siblings, the people I love the most. But if I want to start fresh, then I guess this will have to do.

Also, don't create some silly New Years resolution that you know isn't going to get done. Make small goals for yourself, one baby step at a time. I tried to do everything at once, and it went in flames. Now all that's left is the ashes, and I know what to do. I'm sure this line has been used before, but I'm going to rise from the ashes. You should too. Whether you want to read more, write, work out more often, travel, don't let something small get to you. Don't give up so easily, try things on your own. Be who you are, and do what you want to do.

I honestly don't know what's coming for me this year. Beginning of last year I decided to create this blog, because I wanted to write. By the end of the year, I wasn't so sure what I wanted to do, I still don't really know. One thing I do know is that I'm going to keep writing, because I enjoy it, and even though I constantly doubt myself, and my abilities, I can't stop. I won't stop. You can have no idea what you want to do, and that's okay. You're not a nobody because you can't decide, or because the decision didn't come as easy to you as others. You want to do so much, you don't know where to start. Take it slow. Live a little.

Right now, I'm in my aunt's guest room typing this because I felt the need to do it. Maybe it was more to reassure me, that things can be taken slow, and you don't have to do everything, but I want other people to know as well. You are not alone, and so many things, great things, are coming your way. Don't let the bad ones take over.

Some good things that happened to me in the year would be that I got to climb a giant mountain, with water cascading down, just to go to a beach. It was terrifying, but totally worth it. The second thing is that I learned that quitting is okay. I quit soccer, because I realized that I wasn't enjoying myself, and I felt like crap. A few other good things that happened this year were: realizing that I was a feminist , me wanting to help people, do some real good in the world (I'm starting to sound like Oliver Queen), and I also took notice that I really enjoy fondue. The bad things still linger around, but I don't care. I want to be happy, which is difficult.

Thank you for being with me for a whole year, and I hope everyone enjoys the next!
happy new year banner


Monday, December 29, 2014

Book Review: If I Stay by Gayle Forman (Contains Spoilers)

Hallo, my deers! Get it? Deers, instead of dears. Ahh, okay I'm done. Alright, so I probably read this book in a week, or something close to that. I'm going to finish the year with a sad book, and another book I'm reading right now, 'This Star Won't Go Out.' I honestly cannot wait to get my hands on the sequel of 'If I Stay,' but until then I'm just gonna review!
My Opinion:
I'm not gonna lie, but I often spend time thinking about things that this book talked about. Specially thinking about whether I want to live, or just let everything go. I didn't really connect to the love story because I haven't been in love, but I did understand the love between Mia, and Adam. He was willing to let her go, just so she could live and continue with her life. Then her grandfather completely understood if she decided that she wanted to go, and leave everything behind. The fact that one minute she had everything, and the next she lost it all. I adore this book, it's beautiful. 5 out of 5 stars. I cried, I cried a lot.

What's Going On:

'If I Stay' is about a girl, Mia, who one minute is in the car with her parents, and her little brother Teddy, and then she's in the hospital, her parents are dead, and so is her brother, and she has to make a decision. Should she stay, or just let her life go, end it all? Throughout the book, she sees her loved ones talk to her unconscious body, and how they feel, and what some people would do to make her stay. Some people are willing to let her go, if that's what she really wants. She doesn't really know what to do, she gets so tired, and she's ready to give up. At the same time she's giving up, she also doesn't want to. The book is a journey of her mind, and a lot of decision making. 


I really like the plan Adam, and Kim make to go and see Mia, along with Brooke Vega. Mia's parents, and her brother Teddy, how they don't take life too seriously, and they appreciate life. Mia's grandparents reminded me a lot of my own, the grandmother who believes in angels and twitters so much, and the grandfather who is so quiet but when he speaks, only words of wisdom come out. At the Yo-Yo Mama concert when Adam and Mia first kiss, it was so cute, and I just wanted to hug them and love them forever. My last favorite part (even though the whole book was my favorite) is the fist fight between little Mia, and Kim. It was a fun scene watching the girls go from rivals to best friends. A little scene that made me crack up.

Reaction Gifs:
When Mia's grandfather started crying, and left me a crying mess.
Adam telling Mia that he'd rather have her alive, and leave him, than dead, and gone forever. 
*me after the whole book.Plus not having the sequel.*

When they actually say that Teddy is dead. *cries*

Most of my emotions revolved around crying, but at least they were there. Anyway, I'm sure that this is the last time I'm posting until next year, and I'm happy it's this book. 

Until next year, kiddos!


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Book Review: The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (Contains Spoilers)

Where the hell have you been? Who's asking? Probably no one. I'll share that story some other time. What's really important is that I'm back, and that this year I read 13 books. I may have read more, but I didn't count them, either way, I'm proud. One of the books that I just finished is Blood of Olympus. Yes I know, late to the party.

Anyway this is the last book of  the Heroes of Olympus series, and I didn't write reviews for the others, because I didn't have the blog when I read them. Now, let's get reviewing!
heroes-of-olympus-banner.png (700×335)

My Opinion:

I'm slightly disappointed, and I'm kind of angry because I didn't want to feel that way. I was expecting all of the characters to have their own POV (point of view) but we only had 5, and there was no Annabeth, or Percy. I was thrilled that they had Nico, and Reyna chapters, but I wanted more. Don't get me wrong, I love the other characters, especially Leo, but I wanted all of them in it. Also, that ending didn't satisfy me at all. It was cute, but I was expecting one of the 7 demigods to die. I don't count Octavian (as much as I liked him) as a death, because he wasn't in the prophecy. I don't believe that Leo is dead either. Another thing that bothered me is that it felt rushed. Every thing went too fast. I still enjoyed the book, and all their references, plus their sarcasm made me crack up. I'd probably give the book a 4 out of 5 stars. There was just something missing. I still enjoyed the book, just not as much as I hoped.

What's Going On: 

This is the last book of the Heroes of Olympus series. The seven demigods: Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Jason, Piper, Leo, and Reyna, must save the earth, from mother earth herself, Gaea. They all play a major role in the prophecy, and one of them is destined to die in the battle. Nico, Reyna, and Coach Hedge have to bring the Athena Parthenos back to Camp Half-Blood, to create peace between the Greeks, and the Romans. Hazel, Frank, and Leo go to the island of Delos to speak to Artemis, and Apollo, who have hidden from all the conflict. Leo finds out that he must use fire in order to win the war, which could mean his death. They must find the Physician's Cure, so he can still go back to Calypso. Jason believes that he must complete what he believes is his part of the prophecy: 'to storm or fire, the world must fall.' In order for Piper to fight, she must give into the fear. Percy, and Annabeth are still in somewhat of a shock from House of Hades. They don't try and talk about it too much.

Favorite Parts:

One of my favorite parts of the book is when Leo and Percy confront the goddess Nike, and they don't know how to summon her, so Percy says that if they promote Adidas, maybe she'll appear. Another favorite is when Leo doesn't know how to start a conversation with Percy, and in his head he thinks 'Catch that last episode of Doctor Who? Oh, right. You were trudging through the Pit of Eternal Damnation!' My last of many favorite moments of the book is when Nico tells Percy that he had a crush on him, and that he's over him, and he leaves, giving Annabeth a high five. I'm a sucker for comedy in moments of tragedy.

Bonus (reaction GIF):
Percy & Leo moments.

excited-baby.gif (500×254)
When Nico told Percy about his feelings!!! 
When Reyna and Hylla fought Orion.

Anyway, I wanted to finish off the year with a review, so here it is. I hope I do better next year, because this year wasn't my cup of tea. If I don't post anything before 2015, well then...



Monday, October 27, 2014

TV Show Review: Teen Wolf Season 4 (Contains Major Spoilers)

Here we are, once again to review the fourth season of Teen Wolf. First let me tell you that I was pretty confused for most of the season, but I still enjoyed it. If I were to compare this season, with the last season, I would say that last season was way more intense, and badass. Season 4 was still a good season, but it wasn't at its best. Let the review begin!

What's Going On?

The 4th season begins in Mexico, after Derek has been taken away by these hunters, known as the Calavaras. Turns out, the Calavaras did not take Derek, they just wanted to meet Scott. The person who has Derek is Kate, who turned him back to his teenage years. This causes Derek to not remember anything, like Scott or the Hale fire. This will allow Kate to manipulate Derek into letting her go into the Hale loft and find a way to learn control. (BTW: I find the fact that the volt was under the school very cliche.) Peter finds Kate at the volt, they're about to fight, until a stranger comes in and takes 117 million dollars from the volt. We're introduced to new characters in the lacrosse team: Liam Dunbar, and Garrett. Kira also joins the lacrosse team, her fox powers really worked out. There's also a new assassin, the Mute, who tries to kill Liam, but Scott saves him, unfortunately he gives him the bite. Liam, of course, thinks Scott and Stiles are crazy, but he then begins to experience the same things Scott went through as a beta. Only Liam has I.E.D (Intermittent Explosive Disorder). Chris Argent comes back, and starts helping the pack again. We also find some more assassins like Garrett, and his girlfriend Violet. These assassins work for the Benefactor who is trying to kill every supernatural in Beacon Hills. There is a deadpool filled with names, and how much they are worth. Each on of these lists has a keyword. The first one was Allison, the second one was Aiden, and the third one was Derek, because banshees predict death, and Derek's death was predicted by Lydia.

We learn a little bit about Liam's past, why he was kicked out of his old school, Devenford Prep, and we meet an old rival Brett Talbot (played by Cody Saintgnue). Garrett, and Violet try killing Brett, but fail, and Violet tries killing Scott, but also fails. Deputy Parrish is also on the deadpool list. (DUN DUN DUN!) Garrett, and Violet both end up dying because of Kate. Lydia also has some attention this season, which I appreciate, and she and Meredith kind of bond. I mean Lydia does drive her insane, enough to kill herself, but then there's the plot twist.

Who is the Benefactor?

Well, I thought that it was going to be Scott's dad, because that would have been the coolest plot twist ever! But the Benefactor was Meredith. Honestly, I wasn't really pleased with that. I mean it was  shocking, but the whole, 'oh Peter Hale was crazy, and started talking about this deadpool, so I'm gonna do it', just didn't make any sense to me. I understand he wanted power but, it was confusing. Anyway, the Benefactor turned out to be a banshee, and it's kind of Peter's fault. The assassins keep coming out of nowhere, because now the Benefactor is giving the list to anyone, who is willing to kill for money. I thought this was a great concept because that happens in reality, people are always willing to kill for money, which isn't right. We do find out that the computer that had all the names of the people on the list was hidden behind the wall at Lydia's Lakehouse. They destroy the computer with a key that was in a wine bottle. The Benefactor is gone.

'I've always been the alpha.' Peter Hale's Plan.

Peter Hale has planned to kill Scott, and take away the alpha in him, since season 3A. So it was not a big surprise that he was around this season. He is very violent this season, specially since Derek was losing his powers. His plan is to kill Scott, by making his friends do it, without realizing it. This plan is put into action in the season finale.


The Big Plan (Finale)
my gif My art cry Teen Wolf Forgive me sorry not sorry stiles stilinski derek hale Scott McCall lydia martin im a failure SOBSOBSOBSOBS teen wolf season 4 you were all thinking the same thing WERENT YOU? omg i had to repost i forgot about GIF sizes spag art
In the finale, the pack, and Peter, go back to Mexico to save Scott and Kira from Kate. Lydia stays back at the school to look for something that belonged to Kira, so they can find her. Of course, a berserker appears at the scene, ready to kill Lydia. Liam calls Mason (played by Khylin Rhambo), to go to the school, and look for Lydia. Instead of finding Lydia, he encounters a Berserker. While all that is happening, Liam cannot control himself, Kira is beaten up by Berserker Scott, and all hell breaks loose. Once Liam is in control with the mantra 'the sun, the moon, the truth,' they all arrive, and Derek is 'killed.' They go inside the big church thing to find Berserker Scott, and they begin to fight. Peter extremely happy watches. Kira finds them, and tells Stiles about Scott, and they stop the fight. After some really corny moments between Liam, and Scott, about him not being a monster, but being a werewolf (I thought it was cute), Scott frees himself, and tells his friends about Peter's plan. Outside, Kate comes out ready to fight, when the Calavaras, Chris Argent, and Jordan Parrish, join in the fight. Braeden still trying to fight, looks out for Derek. Back in Beacon Hills, Mason and Lydia, try to get away from the Berserker, in which we see Lydia step up her badass game (with a baseball bat). The Sheriff ends up bombing the Berserker, and saving them. Meanwhile in Mexico, we have Scott and Peter, in a battle, fighting, and some very badass moves occur. Peter ends up losing. Back outside, just as Kate is about to win the battle, Derek swoops in, as a black wolf, and Kate runs away. Argent tries catching up, and they have a talk, Kate tries to blame the teens on Allison's death, but Chris knows better. Peter ends up in the Eichen House, with one eye wacko.


I'd give this season a 3 out of 5. It wasn't great. Most of the time I was confused, and it just wasn't season 3B. I enjoyed the season overall, it was pretty good, and they did have some plot twists, but it just didn't make sense. I'm hoping Jeff Davis steps up his game in season 5.


Hopes For Next Season:

Next season I'm hoping for some Marrish (Lydia & Parrish), and I don't even care if it's just friendship. I also hope that Parrish is a phoenix, because all the signs lead to that, or some kind of dragon dude. I want more Briam (Brett & Liam), because they must be friends, specially after that scene in the locker room. I just want a better season. I need more action.

I don't have any info on when the 5th season is coming out, all I know is that it's only coming out next year. :( Honestly I don't know how I'm surviving. Til then I'll just wait...

This post is actually super late, so I sorry. 
