Friday, June 5, 2015

Book Review: A Work in Progress by Connor Franta (Contains Spoilers...i guess?)

I think you all know what time it is.

I'm kidding, it's time for a book review. If it is time to duel, then well you do your thing! 
Onto the actual review!!

Actual Review:

I don't really know how to review a memoir, I mean I can't really judge a person's life story, right? It's not like I didn't like the book, in fact I really want to read it again. I'm just gonna talk about the actual book and what I felt throughout. 

Honestly this book is probably the most inspiring book I've ever read. Knowing someone's life story, seeing them learn from their mistakes and succeed in life is a great feeling and it makes you want to go out there and do more. When I saw the title of the book I thought it was a great fit. He's only 22 years old and he has done much and continues to do more, because his life and even our lives are a work in progress.

You know that little voice in your head when you silently read? It usually sounds like  your own voice, right? Instead of reading the book with my inside voice, it was his voice. It was like I was just having a conversation with him.It was like Connor was just sitting down with me over a cup of coffee telling me his life story. He also gave me some great advice. You can't really have that with some books. Also the book is really freakin' pretty, like it's prettier than my face. I could probably stare and take pictures of that book for hours.

I feel like even if you don't know who Connor is, or haven't really seen his videos on YouTube, it's still a really good read, specially if you want to get to know him better. The book gets more personal than a Q & A video. Obviously his subscribers are going to feel familiar because they've watched his videos and follow him on every social media. There's also the amazing photography in that book and I'm sure everyone appreciates some really good pictures. Another thing about those pictures is that they fit the chapters (btw, great chapter titles).


The book is a 10 out of 10 and I'm gonna read it another three times. I'm really happy that so many people in the YouTube community are coming out with such great book, whether it's a  memoir or even a work of fiction. The books motivate other people to do the things they've been putting off because they feel so crappy all the time (coughmecough). Such a great book, there wasn't one time where I got bored or wanted to skip pages.

Ultimate Reaction Gifs:
Me when he talked about coffee <3 br="">
When Connor finally accepted himself *claps for days*
Actual representation of me after the book

 Thank you for reading! See you soon :)


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