Monday, December 29, 2014

Book Review: If I Stay by Gayle Forman (Contains Spoilers)

Hallo, my deers! Get it? Deers, instead of dears. Ahh, okay I'm done. Alright, so I probably read this book in a week, or something close to that. I'm going to finish the year with a sad book, and another book I'm reading right now, 'This Star Won't Go Out.' I honestly cannot wait to get my hands on the sequel of 'If I Stay,' but until then I'm just gonna review!
My Opinion:
I'm not gonna lie, but I often spend time thinking about things that this book talked about. Specially thinking about whether I want to live, or just let everything go. I didn't really connect to the love story because I haven't been in love, but I did understand the love between Mia, and Adam. He was willing to let her go, just so she could live and continue with her life. Then her grandfather completely understood if she decided that she wanted to go, and leave everything behind. The fact that one minute she had everything, and the next she lost it all. I adore this book, it's beautiful. 5 out of 5 stars. I cried, I cried a lot.

What's Going On:

'If I Stay' is about a girl, Mia, who one minute is in the car with her parents, and her little brother Teddy, and then she's in the hospital, her parents are dead, and so is her brother, and she has to make a decision. Should she stay, or just let her life go, end it all? Throughout the book, she sees her loved ones talk to her unconscious body, and how they feel, and what some people would do to make her stay. Some people are willing to let her go, if that's what she really wants. She doesn't really know what to do, she gets so tired, and she's ready to give up. At the same time she's giving up, she also doesn't want to. The book is a journey of her mind, and a lot of decision making. 


I really like the plan Adam, and Kim make to go and see Mia, along with Brooke Vega. Mia's parents, and her brother Teddy, how they don't take life too seriously, and they appreciate life. Mia's grandparents reminded me a lot of my own, the grandmother who believes in angels and twitters so much, and the grandfather who is so quiet but when he speaks, only words of wisdom come out. At the Yo-Yo Mama concert when Adam and Mia first kiss, it was so cute, and I just wanted to hug them and love them forever. My last favorite part (even though the whole book was my favorite) is the fist fight between little Mia, and Kim. It was a fun scene watching the girls go from rivals to best friends. A little scene that made me crack up.

Reaction Gifs:
When Mia's grandfather started crying, and left me a crying mess.
Adam telling Mia that he'd rather have her alive, and leave him, than dead, and gone forever. 
*me after the whole book.Plus not having the sequel.*

When they actually say that Teddy is dead. *cries*

Most of my emotions revolved around crying, but at least they were there. Anyway, I'm sure that this is the last time I'm posting until next year, and I'm happy it's this book. 

Until next year, kiddos!


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