Saturday, September 13, 2014

Oh You Shouldn't Have. *giggles*

I was nominated a few weeks ago for a Liebster Award, which is awarded to an interesting blog that is new, or has less than 200 followers. This is a good way to interact with other bloggers, and expand the audience.

I'd like to thank the person who nominated me, Teisha from Girl Writes Reviews, who encouraged me to start my own blog. Honestly, if I hadn't read her blog, and asked her for advice, I wouldn't be here, and enjoying all of this. 

I also want to say thank you to the people who read this. Every person who reads my posts, motivate me to keep going, and step up. I'm not extremely popular, but I still do this to make myself happy, and to make you guys happy as well. So thank you very much! 

Here are the rules:
  1. Post 11 random facts about yourself. (I have no idea why 11.)
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by whoever nominated you
  3. Ask 11 new questions to 9 bloggers with less than 200 followers, and you can't nominate the blogger who nominated you.
  4. Go to their blog, and tell them, they have been nominated!
Random Facts About Me!
  1. I can speak two languages. (Portuguese and English.)
  2. I have a golden retriever, and his name is Shadow.
  3. I lived in Portugal for 7 years, which is half of my life!
  4. I have this secret obsession with Cody Saintgnue. How can you not?
  5. I have two sisters, one just left for college, and the other one is a junior, with the dream of becoming a great artist.
  6. I love comedy. Whether it's a bad pun, or corny joke, if it makes me laugh, then I am fond of you. 
  7. I have recently discovered I enjoy Maroon 5's music a lot. 
  8. Last year I started listening to Elvis Presley's music, and I really like it.
  9. I hope to become a writer one day. Although I honestly don't think I can make it.
  10. I hope to go to Warped Tour next year, maybe.
  11. I love shows about the supernatural. Or just science fiction.
Answering the Questions!
  1. Which do you prefer: Coffee or Tea?
    • I'm gonna have to go with coffee, although, I sometimes enjoy tea.
  2. What is your favorite TV show (it can be running or off-the-air?)
    • My all time favorite is Supernatural, but I have so many others. There's Merlin, Orphan Black, Hannibal, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Teen Wolf. Just so many more. 
  3. What is your favorite book, and why?
    • My favorite book would be Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz. I'm a sucker for teenage angst, I love that these two boys discover that they're in love with each other, and the whole book was just adorable.
  4. What is your favorite movie?
    • The Fault in Our Stars
  5. What or who inspired you to start blogging?
    • The person who nominated me for this award inspired my to start blogging. I was really unsure if I should create a blog. What would I write about? Would people like it? All these questions were in my mind, until I saw her blog. We talked, and she convinced me to go ahead. I'll always thank her for that. :D
  6. Where do you see, or hope to see, your blog in the next year?
    • I hope that I'm still working on my blog next year, and that more people read it. I also hope that I can work on my time management skills, because right now, they suck. 
  7. Where do you see, or hope to see, yourself in 5 years?
    • I hope yo see myself in my second year in college, hopefully at Rutgers or Princeton University, writing stories and reviews, and basically doing what I love.
  8. Which do you prefer: Hardbacks or Paperbacks or eReaders?
    • Hardbacks. I mean with paperbacks, the covers get bent, and ruined. I don't use eReaders because I like having books on my shelves. I like to look at them and think, 'yeah, I read that giant book, in like three days.' Then I cry because that's all I do. There's also the smell of new books. 
  9. What is your favorite book store?
    • Barnes & Noble. I could spend hours in there. Specially if it's the big stores, you could just hang around until the store closes. I love it.
  10. Find the nearest book, open it to page 93. What does the fifth line read?
    • On page 93, the fifth line of 'Maximum Ride: An Angel Experiment' by James Patterson reads: 'Because I didn't think of it.'
  11. What's your favorite quote or personal motto?
    • My favorite quote right now is: ' You're not strong just because you can lift a lot of weight now. You're strong because you can endure.' This quote is from Teen Wolf, and I felt like this quote applies to everything. Life isn't about being all muscular, and tough, it's about enduring life, because some people can't do it.
Now I Shall Nominate:

Erika at Bearika Rose
Benz at Bambi Girl
Alessandra at Infinitales Blog
Kala at Kala Kelly
Zoe at Zoe Pym
Avril at Sugar and Spice

11 Questions to Answer:

1. What is your favorite band?
2. How many languages can you speak?
3. Favorite article of clothing you own at the moment?
4. If you watch any youtubers, who is your favorite?
5. What TV show are you currently watching?
6. What is your favorite restaurant?
7. What is something that you do to relax?
8. What is your favorite superhero?
9. Why did you decide to start your own blog?
10. Have you ever done any volunteer work for charities? 
11. How was your day?

Thank you for reading until the end! Thank you for nominating me, and congratulations to the nominees. I'll be reading your answers! 


1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that I inspired you to start blogging. To be an inspiration to someone is an incredible honor. You totally deserve the nomination. You do some great writing for someone so young. Don't put yourself down. You've got plenty of time to hone your skills and become and amazing writer! Also, I really really want to read Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. And, I love Teen Wolf (obviously, lol) and Orphan Black. I haven't seen any of the second season of Orphan Black, but that first season was killer! Talk to you soon:)
