Saturday, March 29, 2014

TV Show Review: Teen Wolf Season 3B (Contains Spoilers For The Whole Season)

At the moment all of our favorite shows are going on season finales and that means long hiatus, and boredom. So Teen Wolf hit season finale on Monday, with the episode "The Divine Move" which if you want to see a review, you can go to . This awesome girl right here writes reviews every Monday for Teen Wolf!! Anyway, on with the review.

What's Going On?

This season of Teen Wolf started off with the aftermath of the open door in their minds. Stiles, has problems with telling the difference between a dream and reality, and sleep paralysis, Scott can't control when to or when not to transform into an alpha, and Allison keeps seeing her dead aunt Kate Argent (died in season 1). We meet two new big characters this season Malia Tate, the coyote, and Kira Yukimura, the kitsune. Other characters we meet include Mr, Yukimura , Noshiko Yukimura, Mr. Tate, Deputy Perrish (aka badass sassy cutie), William Barrow, Katashi, and Meridith. For the first few episodes they try to find Malia, make her human, and try to close the doors in their minds.

After that, we are introduced to some Japanese creatures like the Oni (Demon Warriors), who are controlled by Noshiko with daggers, or fox tails , and are trying to find the person with the dark spirit, the Nogitsune. If the person has a backwards 5 behind their ear, they have no dark spirit. There are kitsunes and dark kitsunes, or Nogitsune. We also find out that kitsunes and werewolves don't get along. Moving on, while they try to figure all this out, something's wrong with Stiles. Which leads to the Oni trying to get to him, but Stiles kicks their asses. And by Stiles, I mean evil Stiles.

Nogitsune!Stiles (VOID)

*Grabby hands*

Stiles is the dark spirit!!!!! And a hot one too. Nogitsune is a trickster (unfortunately not like Gabriel from SPN) and it likes to play games. Like chess, and Go. The Nogitsune feeds off chaos, pain, and strife. Throughout the rest of the season the pack tries to figure out what's the Nogitsune's purpose, which is explained by Noshiko (ep 3x21 "The Fox and The Wolf). Nogitsune Stiles is very calm and confident, unlike normal Stiles. Normal Stiles is constantly moving around, and doing weird motions with his body, while Nogitsune Stiles just stands still and waits for the dirty work to be done.

Deaths (One Hero Will Die)

The Dead Hero.
*Crying intensifies* 
There were quite a few deaths this season, but the ones that struck us the most were the deaths of Allison and Aiden. Mostly Allison. Allison died in the episode "Insatiable". In this episode Stiles is back to normal, but there's his clone(possessed by the Nogitsune) walking around with Lydia. As they are trying to find clues, Allison is making new arrows, made out of silver. We see that the girl from Echo House, Meridith, might be a Banshee, like Lydia, but we're not sure yet? Anyways, she hears things, like don't search for me, and something in French, which means love at first sight. Fast forward, the pack is about to surround the place where they had camps in 1943 (also explained in 3x21), and battle's about to start when Nogitsune Stiles has a fox tail and brings the Oni to his side. The pack fight the Oni while Stiles and Scott go find Lydia. During the fight Isaac keeps getting hurt and Allison shoots one of her silver arrows at the Oni, and it kills it. When she turns around another Oni stabs her. Allison falls into Scott's arms, and tells him she loves him. She's also trying to inform him of something, but it's too late. She's dead. Lydia screams, Stiles is passed out, and Chris Argent, sees his dead daughter.

Aiden dies in 'The Divine Move', while killing the last Oni, and cries with his brother Ethan. I did not expect to cry so much when he died, but I did, so did Lydia. No regrets.
Damn you Jeff Davis.

The Divine Move (AKA The Badass Move)
Much sexy.
Was I the only one who thought this was badass?

Alright here's where shit goes down. *Down, down, down, the Nogitsune is going down.*. In the season finale the pack is still mourning over Allison's death, but they have to get going, or else people die. Nogitsune Stiles starts making the Nogitsune attack the Hospital, including Melissa, Sheriff Station, Deputy Perrish and Stilinski, and Deaton. Lot's of random people die in this episode. Meanwhile, Derek, Aiden and Ethan meet up with Nogitsune Stiles and the Oni, and bring the box thing made from the Nemeton. Battle 1 begins, Betas vs. Oni. Also, Isaac finds out what Allison wanted to tell Scott, which was how to kill the Oni.

Did I faint?
Another battle happening was Scott, Kira, Stiles, and Lydia vs. The Original Nogitsune. They're at the school, and this is when Stiles discovers the divine move he must make. He finds out that the fight happening isn't real, to just get out of the room, and let the Oni hurt them, because it's all fake. Finally Nogitsune Stiles comes up to them, knocks Scott and Kira out, and tells Lydia and Stiles they can't kill him. Lydia says they can change him. Change his host. Scott bites the Nogitsune and Kira stabs him, and Isaac appears with the box made from the Nemeton and puts the firefly in it. Stiles faints.

Betas are still fighting the Nogitsune until Argent helps them and shots one arrow, but another Oni catches it. Aiden takes the arrow and stabs Oni, but the Oni also stabs him. Everyone inside the school comes out and sees Ethan crying, and Lydia hugs Stiles.

Guess Who's Back??

KATE ARGENT IS BACK!!!!! The season finale ends with Derek dreaming he's talking to Stiles about different ways of becoming a werewolf, and how he's not sure he's dreaming or not, and Stiles shows him his hands and sees 6 fingers. Derek wakes up and gets shot, seeing Kate.
Awww shit.
My Thoughts:

Jesus take the wheel this was the best season ever. I never cried so much because of Teen Wolf. I loved the bickering between Isaac and Stiles, so I'm sad Daniel Sharman is leaving. Anyway, I give this season an A++ for heartbreak, battles, horror, and deaths. I'm so excited for season 4. Teen Wolf returns June 23 on MTV.

Other Things:

During Wolf Watch they had the Alpha of the Week thing, and one alpha was Quinn Wentz and he had this awesome song for Allison and Aiden's death. You guys should check it out!!

Link to the Song:

Bonus (Reaction Gif):




  1. Thanks for the mention! Great review of the season, and great writing for someone so young:) I agree that this has been Teen Wolf's best season by far. Can't wait for June!

    1. Thank you so much! It means a lot to me that you enjoyed it! I can't wait for season 4 of Teen Wolf!
