Sunday, March 30, 2014

TV Show Review: Attack On Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin (Contains Major Spoilers)

 Guess who's back?Back again? If you didn't guess, it's me. I'm back with a TV show review. This TV show is an anime, and the manga is still going, and they're making a dubbed version of it, I'm going to make the review on the series.

What it's about?

Alright, so several hundred years ago, humans nearly went extinct because of these Titans. Titans are several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, eat humans for pleasure, not hunger. A small percentage of humanity did survive, and created a gigantic wall, even taller than the biggest Titan. Fast forward to the present and the city has not been attacked by Titans in over 100 years. But of course Eren Yaegar is a little shit and jinx this and all of a sudden a Colossal Titan appears. breaks the wall down, letting tons of smaller Titans enter the city.  As these Titans flood the city, Eren, and his foster sister Mikasa witness the death of their mother, as she's been eaten by a Titan. After this, the people who escape go into a boat (including Eren's best friend Armin Arlet), to another part of the city, and Eren vows to avenge his mother's death, and kill all the Titans. When they reach to another city Eren enlists himself, along with his friends, into the military.

Three Branches of the Military:

 In this military they are trained to kill Titans, and there are three branches you can work for. The Garrison, or Stationary Guard, maintain order near the walls, the Military Police, who are personal guards of the King, and they are the police within the wall territory, and finally the Scout Regiment, also known as the Survey Corps, Scouting Legion, and Recon Corps, they search Titans, and human expansion. They are the driving force of the plot, and whole story, as well as the Military Police. Only the top 10 people who go through the training are allowed to pick the Military Police. Everyone else, picks one of the other two.

Into The Battlefield:

So, of course there can be no peace, so the Colossal Titan comes back, breaks another wall, and lets more Titans in. *IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!* Eren, and his friends go and attack the Titans (AH! see what I did there?) There are a bunch of deaths, including the death of Marco, Thomas, and all of Eren's squad. Eren also get's his leg bitten off by a Titan. Yaegar still saves Armin, when he's about to get eaten by a Titan, and he let's himself get swallowed, while losing an arm. Armin is in shock.

Flash forward a little bit, and Mikasa finds out Eren has been "eaten" by a Titan, and she goes a little mad, almost getting herself eaten by a Titan, but this big Titan punches the other Titan, killing him. Wanna take a guess on who it is?

That's me before my coffee.

Titan Powers

When they find out that Eren was the Titan, Eren is being hunted. People don't trust him.When the Military Police is about to shoot a cannon ball at him, he bites his hand and becomes a Titan, protecting Mikasa and Armin. Eren Yaeger is arrested and going to be put on trial.
Survey Corps' Interest:

The Survey Corps members, Levi, Erwin, Petra, and Hanji talk to him about how they want him to go with them and search for Titans. Eren agrees with them, but they have to make sure he is not executed.

During the trial there's a whole fight scene about how Eren is evil, and he should be killed. Eren does a whole speech about how he's not evil and Levi beats the crap out of him, and convinces the judge to let Eren go with them. If they succeed in the mission he lives, if not, he's dead meat.

More Shit Goes Down:

While in the forest they are separated into squads, and they encounter a new kind of Titan. A female Titan. This Titan is trying to get to Eren but kills people who get in her way. She almost kills Armin, she doesn't when she realizes it's him. Erwin has this whole plan to trap the Titan, and they succeed. Titan escapes, disappears, and kills Levi's squad. Very sad moment FYI.

*Cries with Wings of Freedom playing in the background*
Who's The Female Titan?

Annie is the female Titan. Survey Corps comes back and they have this whole plan to beat the female Titan, and need Eren to transform. When Eren Transforms, there's a huge battle, killing many humans, and destroying most of the city, almost bringing the last wall down. Eren almost eats Annie, but hesitates, and she is covered in this ice thing, that can't break.
Someone's awesome fanart!

Season Finale:

The season ends with everyone kind of in peace.

My Thoughts:

I enjoyed this show, I cried, but I also laughed at how dramatic Eren Yaegar could be sometimes. Like 'I MUST DEFEAT THE TITANS!!!!'. I thought it was funny, and sad, oh so very sad.

If you want to know more, you can read the manga online. I know the latest one is called "Pain." You guys have fun with that.



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