Sunday, June 1, 2014

TV Show Review: Supernatural Season 9 (Contains Major Spoilers)

It took me a few days/weeks to finally calm myself down from the shocking season finale, but I did it. If you guys don't know Supernatural finished their 9th season with a huge cliffhanger on Tuesday, May 20th. I shall now give you basically what happened the whole season, and what I think might happen next season! There are quite a few filler episodes, so I'm just skipping right to the emotional, and heartbreaking ones.
*Angelic screech*
Season 9:
Alright, so season 9 begins the day after the angels began falling from heaven. Sam and Dean are in the hospital, because Sam is badly injured from the trials from the previous season. Castiel, on the other hand is suffering because his grace was taken from him, by Metatron (one of the antagonists this season), for a spell to cast all the angels from heaven to Earth, and locking heaven down. Castiel, now human, is trying to find some way to contact Dean, to tell him what happened. Dean, who is still in the hospital, watching Sam, goes to pray to Castiel, not knowing what happened. When he sees that Cas does not answer him, he calls out to any angel, and asks them for help. A few angels hear him, and eventually one angel comes to him, Ezekiel, and tells Dean he can help them. Ezekiel tells Dean that he can possess Sam, but not completely. Like Sam can still be Sam, but they sometimes change from Sam to Ezekiel. This will heal both Sam  and Ezekiel, and when they both are healed, Ezekiel says he will leave his body, and back to his own vessel. Dean eventually agrees with this, after finally talking to Cas, and hearing what happened to him, and Cas tells Dean that Ezekiel is a good soldier. While this is all happening, Sam is having a dream, like he thinks he's alive, but he's not. Dean and Bobby are with him, and they are supposed to be him. Dean is him trying to fight and stay alive, while Bobby is the other side, that just wants to be done. Dean keeps trying to convince Sam, and Sam eventually agrees with Dean, also giving permission to Ezekiel to possess him, without him knowing.

Into the season, they keep dropping hints about how Ezekiel isn't who he says he is, and something bad might happen to Sam. We also see Cas experiencing human things like eating, sleeping, sex, and others. By episode 9 we find out that Ezekiel is dead, and that the angel possessing Sam is called Gadreel, and he was a long time prisoner in heaven. Dean asks Kevin to find how to make an angel stop listening, so he can tell, Sam about Gadreel, and tell him to let him out. Unfortunately, Gadreel hears this and knocks Dean out, and kills Kevin. Castiel is tortured and steals an angel's grace.

We come back from mini Christmas hiatus and Dean calls Crowley and Cas to help him take Gadreel out. Crowley tells Dean he can possess Sam, go into his mind, and tell him to make Gadreel get out. After Gadreel finally leaves Sam's body, and Crowley also leaves, Sam is pretty mad at Dean, so Dean tells Cas to stay with Sam, and heal him, and Dean leaves.

Later on Crowley offers Dean a way to kill Abbadon for good. The first blade. In order for the first blade to actually work, you need to own the Mark of Cain. Which only Cain has. So Crowley and Dean go to find Cain and ask him for the first blade and the mark. After much fighting and demonic death, and Cain/Collete storyline, Cain gives the mark to Dean, but tells him that it will become a burden.

Throughout the whole season we see this back and forth arc between beating Metatron, sending the angels back to heaven, and killing Abbadon, and possibly Crowley, who, of course, makes sure that doesn't happen. Anyway, Dean and Sam do end up working together again, but there's a lot of tension going on between the two of them. There's also an episode about them finding out that Kevin's mother isn't dead, and they rescue her, and they tell her Kevin is dead. Since heaven is locked up, souls cannot go to heaven, so he is still a ghost. Kevin goes home with his mother.

Moving back to the first blade, which they found out a guy who belonged in the Men of Letters had. This  man turned out to be a physco who collected things from the supernatural world. When he sees that Dean has the Mark of Cain, he immediately ties him up and keeps him hostage, while sending Sam back out the portal they came through to find the blade. In this episode, we also see Dean use the first blade for the first time. When he cuts the guy's head off, he feels powerful, so powerful, he doesn't want to let the blade go. Sam tells him to let go. Crowley takes the blade, and says he will only give it back, when they find Abbadon.
Later on, Crowley confronts Dean about the power of the first blade. How when he first touched it he felt powerful, yet he felt fear.

In a later episode, close to the finale, Dean finally kills Abbadon. Castiel has an army of angels to battle against Metatron. Sam thinks that the blade is doing something bad to Dean, so he tells him to save it for the big guys, like Metatron. Of course, Dean pretends to listen to Sam, and takes it anyway. Metatron makes the angels from Castiel's army go against him, by sending some of his angels to pretend to be in Cas' army, and killing themselves for Cas'. Tessa kills herself with the first blade, making it look like it was Dean. Metatron also tells the angels from Cas' army that Cas' has stolen a grace from an angel. The angels from his army tell him to kill Dean, and they won't leave, but Cas refuses. Gadreel goes to the bunker and tells Cas, Dean, and Sam that he is on their side, but Dean hurts him with the first blade.

Season Finale:

In the season finale, Sam and Cas lock Dean in the dungeon because obviously Dean needs to calm the hell down, and get himself sorted out. Sam and Cas go back to Gadreel, to heal him and make sure he's okay, so he can help them get to Metatron. In the dungeon, Dean is suffering from side effects of the Mark of Cain. He starts to throw up blood, and coughing violently, so he decides to call Crowley. Crowley tells him that it only gets better if you keep killing. The only reason Cain did not suffer these side affects was because he was also a demon. Back to Sam and Cas, they find Gadreel, after he tried to run away (not because he didn't want to help them). Dean and Crowley go out to find Metatron with the first blade. Metatron is trying to get humanity (not Dean Winchester) on his side, by making miracles, like bringing people back from the dead. This actually reminds me of season 7, when God!Castiel gave vision to a blind man. Do all the bad guys do nice things?

 Anyway, Dean and Crowley find a way to look for Metatron, when Sam finally finds Dean, and tells Crowley to go away. Sam tells Dean that Castiel and Gadreel are trying to find the angel tablet, so they can make Metatron into a regular angel, like all the others. Dean agrees to letting Sam go with him. When they arrive to a homeless shelter kind of thing, Dean knocks Sam out, and takes the first blade with him. Metatron and Dean talk and begin to fight. Gadreel and Cas get to one of the portals to go to heaven, and Gadreel tells the angels that Metatron told him to get Castiel, but the angels lock them up in a cell.
 Back to Metatron and Dean, who is losing the battle against Metatron. At one point Dean drops the first blade, and tries to get it back, and Metatron stabs him with the angel blade, just as Sam arrives. In the cell, Hannah (one of the angels) is arguing with Cas about how he betrayed them, and Gadreel is freaking out, and comes up with a plan. He carves the sigil the angels Metatron had on his chest, and kills himself, so Castiel can get to the angel tablet.

 When Cas finally gets to it, he just drops it on the floor, just as Dean's head hits the concrete floor. Sam runs towards Dean, and tries to kill Metatron, but he disappears. Sam tries to keep Dean alive, but Dean knows that he's not going to live, so he tells Sam he's proud of them.Dean dies, and Sam cries on his shoulder. Metatron confronts Cas about how he does everything for Dean, and tells him about how he should be the new God, and how the angels will listen to him because they think you betrayed them. Metatron tells Cas that Dean is dead. As Metatron is saying this the radio for all the angels is on, so they hear everything, and they take Metatron to a cell.

Sam takes Dean to the bunker, and lays him on his bed, his eyes red from crying, and he goes to try and summon Crowley, probably to make a deal. Crowley is in Dean's room and starts telling Dean how he didn't expect this to happen to him. Crowley tells dead Dean a story he didn't tell him about Cain. Cain tried to kill himself after Collete's death, and then he became a demon. Guess what happens to Dean? HE BECOMES A FREAKIN' DEMON, and the screen goes black. LIKE HIS EYEBALLS!


Sam & Dean's Relationship:

The brother's relationship this season was very tense. Sam being angry at Dean, because he lied to him about Gadreel. Sam telling Dean that if the roles were switched, but it was the same situation he wouldn't have done what Dean did. Dean becoming obsessed with the first blade, and with killing Abaddon and Metatron. Dean not wanting Sam's help. Kevin's death. They weren't in great terms this season.

Castiel in Season 9:

Castiel had quite the adventure this season. Beginning with being human, and having to get used to the human pain, and the ways of humanity. He has to hide from the angels who are trying to kill him. He also has sex. Go Cas! Later on he steals some angel's grace, which we find later on, that it's burning him on the inside. Many angels who were not on Metatron's side wanted Castiel as a leader, even though Cas knew that he could not lead an army of angels against Metatron. He does it anyway, and later on the army of angels leave him, finding out that Cas stole an angel's grace. Metatron also keeps hinting that Cas is in love with Dean.

Overall Feelings:

I enjoyed season 9. I mean sometimes I got bored with the filler episodes, but at the same time I enjoyed them. It was all funny, sad, intense, badass, the usual Supernatural season. I'm really looking forward to season 10, because I really wanna see what they do with demon!Dean. I don't want it to be like a few episodes, and then they fix the problem, I wanna see demon!Dean for a while. I liked all the episodes, including the spin-off episode, Bloodlines, that practically no one liked. I have to say it was a good season, with a bangin' finale, and a shocking cliffhanger.

I also heard that Mark Sheppard was cast a a season regular for season 10, which excites, and scares me, all at once.

I think that's about it. We all just need to wait for season 10, which comes out in, like, I don't know 4 or 5 months, maybe? I'm gonna be okay. I really am. *sobs*
 Well, that's it for now!
Bonus (Reaction Gif):


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