Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Books That I Read, But Did Not Review

I am back from finals, and other tests that I did not want to take, and most likely failed! I feel like the school I go to is one of the few that hasn't ended yet. Like, c'mon guys, I wanna spend my whole summer doing absolutely nothing, hurry up. Anyway, I've read a few books, that I did not review (sorry), so I'm just going to give the list, a short summary, and opinions on the book.

1. "Dreamhouse Kings: The House of Dark Shadows" by Robert Liparulo

This is the first book of the Dreamhouse Kings series, and there are 5 other books so far. The first book is about the King family moving into a house that many people say is "haunted." They say that the man in the family that used to live there, killed his wife, and children, and then proceeded to kill himself. Without giving away major spoilers, the King family moves into the house, and well, they find some interesting things, within that house. 

I personally enjoyed the book, as the end of it made me very excited to read the rest of the books. I seriously could not stop reading the book. Every time something happened I needed to know more.

2. "Dreamhouse Kings: Watcher of the Woods" by Robert Liparulo

The second book of the Dreamhouse Kings series, follows the cliffhanger of the first book when (SPOILER) something takes one of the members of the King family. Not going to tell you who it is, you can read the book. Anyway throughout the book, the three children (Xavier, David, and Victoria) find out that their father knows something about the house. They also find some strange things in the forest, including a strange man, who wants to take their house.

I think this was my least favorite book, just because it was very slow paced, and I was looking for some action. Also Xavier was being a little baby about the whole situation, and it annoyed me. But it was pretty good, just not my favorite.

3. "Dreamhouse Kings: Gatekeepers" by Robert Liparulo

This is the last Dreamhouse Kings book I read, I swear! Anyway, the third book of the series begins when Xavier and David are in one of the worlds (forgot to mention that in the house, there are doors that lead to different worlds, depending on what object you bring), and they are trying to find the family member that was kidnapped by the thing that was situated in their house. Later in the book, they find out about the person who built the house, and they meet someone from a long time.

I hosnestly thought that this was the last book, so I was really mad with the way Liparulo had ended the book. So I did some research, and turns out there are lke 3 or 4 other books, that I need to read. The third book definitely made up for the last book, making it more action packed, and it had a huge cliffhanger. I'm really excited to read the next book.

4."The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky 

If you have never heard of this book, where have you been? Alright, so this book is about a boy, Charlie, who is about to start his freshman year in high school. He doesn't have many friends and he has anxiety, plus his friend Michael committed suicide the previous year. Charlie decides to start writing letters to a stranger, to help cope with everything that has happened. Throughout the school year, Charlie experiences things such as: first kiss, dealing with bullies, drinking, and drugs, he makes friends, loses them, and then gets them back.

This book was really good. There are so many inspiring quotes, that you don't know which one is your personal favorite. I also laughed at Charlie's oblivion, and Patrick's hilarious jokes. I was really happy with this book, and the fact that it became a movie, that didn't change the whole plot *cough* Percy Jackson *cough.* I think this is one of my favorite books.

5."Looking for Alaska" by John Green

Ah yes, always have to add in a John Green book. This book is about this kid, Miles, who is going to Culver Creek High School, as a junior. He enjoys memorizing people's last words. Also he makes a couple friends like Alaska and the Colonel, also known as Chip. He begins to be very fond of Alaska, even though she has a boyfriend. They drink, do drugs, and by the middle of the book, things get very depressing. But I'm not giving away too much, so you can read the book.

I enjoyed this book, even though it got dark, and depressing, very quickly. It took me awhile to get over the book, and move on because I started thinking about it too much, and I also got really sad, and anxious. I kind of got myself in a funk. However, the book was still well written, and I appreciated the book a lot.

Well, that's all I have for you. Although I am working on my review for the book "The Wave" by Todd Strasser, and I'm almost finished reading "Confessions of a Murder Suspect" by James Patterson. Oh, and I'm also very excited for Teen Wolf season 4, which I believe is next week. So much excitement!!!


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