Saturday, March 29, 2014

Book Review: The Outsiders by S.E Hinton (Contains Spoilers)

Bonjour! I have finished yet another book! THE OUTSIDERS by S.E Hinton! This book, I just, too many feelings, I can't.

What It's About:

This lovely book is about two rival groups, the Greasers (because of their greasy long hair), and the Socials (because they are rich). Anyway, Ponyboy, and his gang (Two-Bit, Johnny, Dally, Steve, and his brothers Darry and SodaPop) live a hard life. They're not rich, they are constantly getting jumped by Socs (Socials), and some have dropped out of school,or they jump other people. One of the Greasers, Johnny, was once jumped and he became terrified of everything, so he carried a switchblade with him. One night when Johnny and Ponyboy were with two Socs girls, their boyfriends, Bob and Randy, come to jump them, and Johnny stabs Bob, who was the guy who jumped him awhile back. Ponyboy and Johnny run away,with the help of Dally. They barely eat, they get bad haircuts, and Johnny decides to go back and face his responsibilities. As Dally his driving them home they see the church they were staying at caught on fire and it had children in it. They save the children, but they are badly injured, and the worst one is Johnny. They're at the hospital and Ponyboy's brothers are worried, and they find out what happened and are afraid. While that's happening Johnny is dying, and Ponyboy doesn't want him to. Before Johnny dies he tells Ponyboy to stay gold, but he has no idea what that means. When Dally finds out Johnny is dead, he freaks out and robs a grocery store, getting himself killed by the cops. In the end, Ponyboy finds a note in the book he and Johnny read to each other when they ran away, Gone With The Wind. Ponyboy decides to write his English report which becomes the novel.

My Opinion:

Lucifer take the wheel there are so many ships in this book, it's not even funny. I cried when Johnny and Dally died, and then I cried when Ponyboy was reading Johnny's note. Let's just say this book is emotional, and very brotherly. You have your best friends in a gang, your brothers, it's all very brotherly. I enjoyed that a lot. I also thought it was cool how they didn't make all the Socs mean and cruel. Cherry and Marcia knew that it was difficult for both rival gangs. They also explain how it's not money that separates them, but it's how Socs practically don't feel anything, and Greasers feel too violently. It like every other society.

Favorite Part:

I enjoyed at the end when Sodapop just explodes on Darry and Ponyboy, and tells them to stop fighting and be brothers. I also like the part when they are at the hospital and Darry walks in and Ponyboy hugs him, and he sees Darry crying, and Darry never cries, so I cried.


Read it. Just, read it. And then cry. I also think there's a movie for the book. But you should read the book.

Bonus (Reaction Gif):


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